Human Endocrine System

Endocrine System Diagram

Pituitary thyrotrophin thyroid controls secretion of thyroxin
corticotrophin adrenal glands controls secretion of cortisol
gonadotrophin gonads controls secretion of sex hormones
human growth hormone all cells promotes body growth
antidiuretic hormone kidneys promotes water reabsorption
oxytocin uterus contracts uterus
prolactin breasts controls breast milk secretion
Thyroid thyroxine all cells controls metabolism
Parathyroid parathyroid hormone bones, kidneys increases blood calcium
Adrenal adrenaline ('fight or flight' hormone) most cells controls blood circulation, increases heart rate blood glucose and blood flow
cortisol most cells controls metabolism of fats carbohydrates and proteins
sex hormones gonads development of sex characteristics
Pancreas insulin all cells lowers blood glucose
glucagon all cells increase blood glucose
Gonads (Testes and Ovaries) oestrogen sex organs female sex characteristics
progesterone sex organs regulates menstrual cycle
testosterone sex organs, muscle male sex characteristics, promotes growth

Homeostasis (Body Balance)

Homeostasis Diagram

  1. If body temperature rises above 37 °C - The skin produces sweat which cools the body by using excess body heat to evaporate it. Also the body can consume cool drinks, find cool shade, radiate heat through the skin or by breathing out warm air, and by defecation or urination.
  2. If body temperature falls below 37 °C - The muscles may shiver to produce heat through friction, skin muscles may contract to produce insulating air pockets next to the skin with 'goose bumps' and upright hairs, the body consumes warm drinks or finds warm shelter.