Quiz: Nervous System and Senses

1. The central nervous system enclosed in bone consists of:
A brain and spinal cord
B sensory and motor nerves
C the peripheral nervous system
2. Sensory nerves carry nerve impulses from the senses to the:
A brain
B motor nerves
C muscles
3. Motor nerves carry nerve impulses to the muscles from the:
A senses
B brain
C sensory nerves
4. The correct name for a nerve cell is the:
A nerve
B neurone
C neural link
5. A nerve impulse travels along a nerve cell:
A from the dendrites to the cell body and then along the axon
B from the cell body to the axon and then to the dendrites
C from the cell body to the dendrites and then the synapse
6. The gap between one nerve cell and the next is the:
A chemical transmitter substance
B synapse
C axon
7. The part of the brain responsible for muscle movement, interpretation of the senses and the memory is the:
A medulla oblongata
B cerebellum
C cerebrum
8. The part of the brain responsible for vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing is the:
A medulla oblongata or hindbrain
B cerebellum or midbrain
C cerebrum or forebrain
9. An example of a reflex arc is:
Aa knee jerk
Bputting your hand on a hot object before quickly removing it
Cboth of the above
10. The senses felt by the skin are:
Atouch, pressure, heat, cold and pain
Btouch, heat and cold only
Csight, smell, hearing and taste
11. What part of the eye adjusts to focus more clearly?
Cblind spot
12. What is the nerve from the eye to the brain?
13. Apart from hearing, what other major body function is performed by the ear?
Bhormone secretion
Creduction of nerve pressure
14. What name is given to any factor that causes sensory receptors to begin to function?
Aan effector
Ba response
Ca stimulus
15. If a stimulus was sudden bright light, a possible response could be:
Ato hear sound
Ba decrease in pupil size
Cto move your leg quickly


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